Chinese University Alumni Association
Alliance of Southern California

2020 Annual Meeting

The annual conference encompasses reviewing accomplishements of the preceding year, conducting a transition ceremony for both the outgoing and incoming leadership teams, presenting awards to volunteers, and delivering specialized lectures.

Welcome Message from the President and Chair of the Board

Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC)

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Welcome to our CUAAASC 2024 annual convention!

Founded 8 years ago, the Chinese University of Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC) (the League) has 79 members of Chinese Universities to date and more than 50,000 alumni strong. Most of our members are professionals in their perspective fields. They have contributed a lot to our communities.

Year 2024 is a special year. Congratulations to everyone being safe and healthy. The League has accomplished a lot. In particular, our campaign against the epidemic and opposition to California Proposition 16, fully demonstrated the significance of the League as a platform. In the current international circumstances and environment, our old and new immigrants need to be united. The League provides us with such a platform. Our League is a new organization that needs to grow and flourish over time. This requires everyone working together to make this League into a harmonious alliance with a good social role model, graceful style, and peaceful place.

Best wishes to all for good health and prosperous and successful career.

Respectfully yours,

Congratulation Letter from Judy Chu

Letter from County of Los Angeles, Kathryn Barger, Supervisor, Fifth District Chair of the Board
